OSTIM Technical University has set itself a vision of being a “University of Industry”, which is reflected in its strong collaboration with business, industry and society. If you want to study at the first industrial university in Turkey and one of the best Turkish universities that offers an educational model based on education, research, innovation, entrepreneurship and development, read on.
Osteem Technical University Overview Osteem Technical University Campus Advantages of studying at Osteem University Specialties of Osteem University Master’s study at Osteem University University accreditations and recognitions Student exchange programs at Osteem University Student life at Osteem University Housing at Osteem University
خصم الكاش
الاختصاص | الرسوم السنوية | المستوى | السنوات | اللغة |
sciences informatiques | 10690 | Bachelor's | 5 | ENGLISH |
music | 11576 | Bachelor's | 6 | ENGLISH |
طب بيطري | 9645 | Bachelor's | 4 | ENGLISH |
Health Sciences | 9450 | Bachelor's | 5 | ENGLISH |
قانون دولي | 6300 | Bachelor's | 4 | ENGLISH |
قائد طائرة | 15000 | Bachelor's | 4 | ENGLISH |
المعدات الطبية | 6945 | Bachelor's | 2 | ENGLISH |
test | 6000 | Bachelor's | 4 | ENGLISH |
العمارة | 6000 | Bachelor's | 4 | ENGLISH |
إدارة الأعمال | 5775 | Bachelor's | 4 | ENGLISH |
هندسة الكومبيوتر | 6000 | Bachelor's | 4 | ENGLISH |
هندسة مدنية | 6000 | Bachelor's | 4 | ENGLISH |
هندسة الميكانيكية | 6000 | Bachelor's | 4 | ENGLISH |
هندسة نظم الطاقة | 6000 | Bachelor's | 4 | ENGLISH |
هندسة كهربائية و إلكترونية | 6000 | Bachelor's | 4 | ENGLISH |
العلوم التطبيقية | 6800 | Bachelor's | 4 | ENGLISH |
المدرسة البحرية | 5250 | Bachelor's | 4 | ENGLISH |
العلوم الرياضية | 5250 | Bachelor's | 4 | ENGLISH |
مدرسة الطيران | 5250 | Bachelor's | 4 | ENGLISH |
الاتصالات | 5775 | Bachelor's | 4 | ENGLISH |
العلوم الصحية | 5775 | Bachelor's | 4 | ENGLISH |
السياحة | 5775 | Bachelor's | 4 | ENGLISH |
الكلية الانسانية | 5775 | Bachelor's | 4 | ENGLISH |
هندسة الذكاء الإصطناعي | 3025 | Bachelor's | 4 | ENGLISH |
علم النفس | 3025 | Bachelor's | 4 | ENGLISH |
تدريس اللغة الإنجليزية | 3800 | Master's | 2 | ENGLISH |
العمارة | 3800 | Master's | 2 | ENGLISH |
العمارة الداخلية | 3800 | Master's | 2 | ENGLISH |
هندسة الكترونيات | 3800 | Master's | 2 | ENGLISH |
هندسة صناعية | 3800 | Master's | 2 | ENGLISH |
هندسة الكمبيوتر | 3800 | Master's | 2 | ENGLISH |
العلاقات الدولية | 3800 | Master's | 2 | ENGLISH |
إدارة الأعمال | 3800 | Master's | 2 | ENGLISH |
test | 3800 | Master's | 2 | ENGLISH |
نظم المعلومات الإدارية | 3800 | Master's | 2 | ENGLISH |
التسويق | 3800 | Master's | 2 | ENGLISH |
علم النفس | 5000 | test | 4 | ENGLISH |
إدارة الأعمال | 5000 | test | 4 | ENGLISH |
هندسة الكومبيوتر | 5000 | test | 4 | ENGLISH |
نظم المعلومات الادارية | 5000 | test | 4 | ENGLISH |
هندسة الكترونيات | 5000 | test | 4 | ENGLISH |
الاختصاص | الرسوم السنوية | المستوى | السنوات | اللغة |
OSTIM Technical University has set itself a vision of being a “University of Industry”, which is reflected in its strong collaboration with business, industry and society. If you want to study at the first industrial university in Turkey and one of the best Turkish universities that offers an educational model based on education, research, innovation, entrepreneurship and development, read on.
Osteem Technical University Overview Osteem Technical University Campus Advantages of studying at Osteem University Specialties of Osteem University Master’s study at Osteem University University accreditations and recognitions Student exchange programs at Osteem University Student life at Osteem University Housing at Osteem University
اذا كنت من المهتمين بالدراسة في جامعة اسطنبول آيدن بامكانك التواصل مع المستشار التعليمي عبر واتساب سجل معنا
OSTIM Technical University has set itself a vision of being a “University of Industry”, which is reflected in its strong collaboration with business, industry and society. If you want to study at the first industrial university in Turkey and one of the best Turkish universities that offers an educational model based on education, research, innovation, entrepreneurship and development, read on.
Osteem Technical University Overview Osteem Technical University Campus Advantages of studying at Osteem University Specialties of Osteem University Master’s study at Osteem University University accreditations and recognitions Student exchange programs at Osteem University Student life at Osteem University Housing at Osteem University